New Year – New Journey

New Year – New Journey

It was two days later when I actually started to write the story. I didn’t start to write out of an abundance of enthusiasm. As a matter of fact it was more out of an abundance of boredom. It wasn’t because I didn’t like to write because I have written in a journal at least once a year every year since the sixth grade. English was always one of my favorite subjects and best grades on my report card.

Looking back, I can recollect a number of my teachers telling me that I was a good writer and maybe I should think about becoming a writer. More than once I heard I had a unique style of how I used my words. I just kind of laughed it off. I was not going to fool around with writing-I was going to be a musician. I should have listened to my teachers.

To my surprise, the story came out very easily. It was as if I was dictating a movie in my mind. I am not normally a visual person but that was how I was experiencing this story. The words flowed smoothly and I rarely stopped because I was stuck. When I did, it was only for a few moments before the words were flowing again.

At about the two-week mark I was compelled to write the ending. I had very specific things I wanted to write and the words were right there, so I jumped to the ending and wrote the final two chapters in a day. After that point, I was starting to actually look for times to write. I still wasn’t trying to be a novelist, but I was beginning to enjoy my writing sessions. I was thinking that this could be an OK hobby.

The reality was that I didn’t have time, even for a hobby. I had just started a new job. Between the commute and the extent of the job, there really wasn’t much time left for me to write. My writing time was limited to weekends, along with all of the other stuff that had to get done on weekends.  Not being able to write was now turning me into someone who wanted to write. Still, no thoughts of becoming a writer, but I was now looking forward to my sessions.

Once I finished the ending, I returned to writing the rest of the story in order. The words were still flowing out of me very smoothly and they always did, but the time I had to write was still very limited and wasn’t getting any better. What was getting better was my enjoyment of writing.