Have you ever wished upon a shooting star?

Have you ever wished upon a shooting star?

Did you ever wish upon a shooting star? Witnessing a shooting star as it fires across the sky is a rare and extraordinary spectacle. It has long been believed such a meteoric event is a signal that a major life change is about to occur.

For Brad, a fifty-year-old happily married man, and Mackenzie, a cute and quirky twenty-four-year-old who goes by Mack, a major life change is exactly what did happen. Their innocent beginnings evolve into a spiritual journey that takes them down a complicated path that leads them into uncharted territory. Pushing the boundaries of love and friendship, they challenge societal expectations with only their heart’s justification. Through their own experiences, they see life and the world from two unique perspectives; his from introspect, hers from family. They are both seeking the meaning of life. Their complex relationship begins to blend into discovering their truths, for themselves and each other. When the excitement of hope is within their reach, the universe unleashes new trauma into play that changes everything and deeply question those truths.